What foods are good for potency?

The man included in his diet foods that increase potency

Doctors are sure that proper nutrition is very important for male potency. The lack of certain substances can directly or indirectly affect erectile function, libido, fertility. In this article, we have collected products that should be included in the diet for those who want to preserve their male strength and activity in the sexual sphere. The benefits of each product are backed by research.

important!Please note that diet affects potency and sexual health, but if there are diseases and problems in this area, it will not be possible to solve them with the help of diet. In case of regular problems with potency, do not forget to contact a urologist. The doctor will find out the causes of the erectile dysfunction and prescribe a treatment that will get you back on track. For example, a course of shock wave therapy. And proper nutrition will help you stay in the ranks as long as possible.


Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in fatty fish have a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and strengthening of the vascular wall - this is important for erection, as their presence and quality are directly related to the condition of the vessels. And that's not all! According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, men whose diet featured fish prominently had good sperm morphology results. And another study showed that lovers of red fish, compared to those who do not eat fish at all, have a 34% higher concentration of sperm, that is, the number of germ cells.


Nuts are a natural stimulant of potency and nervous activity. Men are recommended to eat 25-35 grams of nuts daily. You can support men's health with hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts and pine nuts. Nuts are rich in healthy fats and vitamin E, which slows cell apoptosis (slow cell death), is an excellent antioxidant and angioprotector.

Pumpkin seeds also belong to this category - a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that increase the level of prostaglandins (substances that increase libido).


Few men know this, but carrots are their faithful assistant. It is very beneficial for fertility. According to research published in Fertility and Sterility (the most authoritative scientific publication in the field of human reproduction), carrots have a positive effect on sperm count and motility. Participants in this study who started eating carrots frequently improved their sperm count by 6. 5-8%. The effect may be due to the high content of carotenoids in carrots, compounds that are involved in the production of vitamin A.


If for some reason you eat little and rarely tomatoes, it's time to change the situation. Here is one of the arguments in favor of tomatoes: if a person eats more than 10 tomatoes a week, the risk of developing prostate cancer decreases by 18%. This effect is based on the antioxidant lycopene contained in tomatoes, which counteracts toxins that negatively affect DNA and cells.


A ripe and juicy pomegranate is an indispensable helper in bed for every man. A study published by Impotence Research found that pomegranate juice is rich in beneficial antioxidants. These antioxidants have a beneficial effect on blood flow and reduce the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Olive oil

Olive oil is an integral part and at the same time the basis of the Mediterranean diet. People on such a diet are less likely than others to experience problems with potency. Olive oil contains a lot of omega-3 acids and also contributes to longer retention of vitamins in the body, which help maintain male libido.


Get into the habit of starting your morning with oatmeal and the likelihood of potency problems will decrease. Oatmeal contains L-arginine, an amino acid that prevents erectile dysfunction. L-arginine also lowers cholesterol levels. Elevated cholesterol is a direct threat to erectile function and, even worse, to health in general.

Eat right, your body will thank you for it. And if there are already problems with erectile function, do not hesitate to consult a doctor - in the majority of cases, they are resolved quickly and successfully.