Potency exercises - are they effective?

Potency exercises are among the natural means of increasing male power, whether he is a healthy man or suffering from impaired potency.

How does special gymnastics for potency work?

A set of exercises is available to every man. These are simple gymnastic elements, exercises, warm-up, but aimed at working out the muscles of the pelvic floor, strengthening them.

kegel exercises for potency

Physical activity has advantages over other methods of increasing potency:

  • A man's reproductive function is related to the tone of the large muscles. Therefore, the benefits of exercise are to train the muscles of the entire body.
  • A set of selected exercises affects the synthesis of the hormone testosterone, so a man will feel its effect in the form of an increased erection. Testosterone improves sperm production.
  • Lower body exercises can bring the lumbar region and perineal muscles into an active state. Due to this, the blood flow is activated, the genitals receive a portion of fresh blood.
  • Physical activity will help to get rid of excess adrenaline in the blood, which in excess can provoke a stressful state. Stress is a destructive factor for potency.
  • When a person leads an active lifestyle and sees the results of it, he produces more endorphin hormones, which are responsible for restoring body strength and good mood.
  • By stretching muscles, large and small, you fight congestion, relieve muscle tension. After a charging course, you will feel rested and energized.

The disadvantage of potency-enhancing exercises is that they must be performed regularly. To get results from physical exercises, you must perform them for at least 1 month. The advantage of this method is the lasting effect compared to drugs. This is due to the fact that the muscles reach a certain degree of fitness, if it is maintained, then potency problems can be withdrawn for a long time.

When you can suspect a violation of potency in men

a man with low potency how to increase exercise

Physical exercises for potency are indicated if the man shows the following signs:

  • Decreased interest in sexual intimacy, the man is too lazy to start, there is no tone.
  • No spontaneous erection at night or in the morning.
  • During an erection, the penis does not reach the necessary hardness.
  • If during sexual intercourse the hardness of the penis is not maintained, it is impossible to complete it.

Some potency exercises you can do at home:

  • The first part is an exercise called a plow. Lie on your back and bring your legs to your stomach, bending your knees. The hands are placed behind the head. First, breathing movements are made, in which the stomach should participate (12 times), then the pelvis is gradually moved to the side. There should be a total of 24 pelvic movements (12 in each direction). Heat will be felt in the coccyx area.
  • The man is lying on the floor with his head against the wall. The distance from the head to the wall is about half a meter. The arms are along the body, and the legs are gradually raised so that they touch the wall. The position should be fixed and slowly move down as far as possible. In this position, the man takes 4 to 6 breaths. Then slowly unbend the legs and return to the starting position. Now you need to relax and rest. You can complicate the exercise by touching the floor with your toes.
  • Exercise Cobra. The man lies on his back, bends his arms at the elbows, palms touch the floor, elbows "look" up. Legs together in a straight position. While inhaling, slowly raise your head up. Gradually raise your shoulders, hold your breath and tilt your head back, as much as possible. Gradually exhale and lower the head and chest down, lie down and relax. We repeat the exercise up to 6-8 times.
  • Run in place with emphasis on the wall. Move away from the wall at such a distance that you can easily reach your arms, but tear your socks off the floor. We run on the spot.
  • Bow practice. Lie on your back, press your legs to your stomach, wrap your arms around your ankles. With each exhalation, lift your legs up, then lower them and relax. If the exercise is difficult, for example, most often it is not possible to reach the ankles, then you can use a towel or rag rolled into a long package. The exercise starts with 4 reps, then add daily until you reach 12 reps.
  • Potency Strengthening Exercises from Oddiyana Yoga. Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Inhalation and exhalation are done slowly, when exhaling, we tilt the body down, put our palms on our knees and gradually pull out the stomach, holding the breath. During the exercise, we try to tighten our knees and raise our shoulders without taking our hands off our knees. While holding the breath, inhale the stomach and anus. The number of repetitions increases with training from 3 to 10. All complexes are performed 2 hours after a meal or 1. 5 hours before a meal.

Recommendations from a professor to increase potency

shots for potency

We will talk about the exercises to increase the potency developed by the professor. The system for its treatment consists of simple rules: physical activity, this includes massage, breathing exercises, proper nutrition and various methods of cleaning the body.

Start with daily exercise. It includes simple gymnastic exercises that anyone can perform:

  • In the morning, after going to the toilet, take a lying position on the floor and try to contract the muscles of the whole body, and then individual muscle groups.
  • The next step is the massage. Walk with your palms over the surface of the entire body, activating the lymphatic system, because it is responsible for removing waste products from the cells of our body. Massaging the active points on the surface of the feet will help to activate and awaken the whole body.
  • The next element will help eliminate blood stasis in the lower body, relieve swelling and prevent their development. Pull one leg towards you with an arm lying on your back. So hold it in this position, massage the calf muscles and thigh muscle groups with the other leg.
  • In a lying position, bring the feet together and move them towards you or away from you.

To eliminate the phenomena of stagnation in the pelvis, legs, lower back, walk with the buttocks. Sitting on the priest, try to move forward, then back in the same way.

Along with performing physical activities, it is necessary to adjust the diet, use products that increase potency in men, the main treatment, to review the lifestyle, including sexual activity and the possible presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Other exercises for the muscles of the perineum

potency exercises

Any gymnastics to increase potency is aimed at strengthening and involving the pubococcygeus muscle in the process. It plays a big role in a person's sexual life, it is also called the muscle of love. Weakness in this muscle causes problems. For example, urinary incontinence, and women have problems during childbirth.

Why is it important to train this muscle? It is responsible for many functions. For example, retention of urine and feces, increase in tone and improvement of one of the main functions of the prostate – evacuation. The pubococcygeal muscle holds the contents of the follicles in the cavity of the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the ampullae of the vas deferens.

A weakened muscle leads to decay, a feeling of fatigue, a decrease in desire for the opposite sex and a man's sexual capabilities.

How should I train her? We will present physical exercises to increase potency, shown in pictures for a more accurate understanding:

  • The starting position of the man is sitting. You can sit on a chair, a pillow, stretching your legs in front of you. Eyes closed, head bent forward. The muscles of the neck, back, arms are completely relaxed. The spine should remain straight. Try to tighten the muscle in this position and hold for 3 seconds. If it doesn't work, start with 1-2 seconds. The correct sensation is as if the pelvis is moving up a little. Tighten the muscle on inhalation, relax on exhalation. One repetition takes about 1 minute. So you need to do 10 approaches. But if it does not work, reduce the number of approaches to as many as possible, but so that the exercise is performed correctly. With sufficient training of the muscle, you will feel that you can tense and relax it slowly, with complete control over the process.
  • You died after the first exercise in 10 minutes, now you can proceed to further recommendations. Contract and relax the muscle rhythmically and quickly. This may not be easy for untrained people, but you will soon learn to fully control the process. Rest 1 minute between sets, 3 sets total. After gymnastics, there may be a feeling of heaviness, fatigue in the perineum. Do not be afraid, this sensation occurs in those muscle groups that are least trained. And don't expect instant results. The meaning of gymnastics will appear no earlier than 2 weeks of regular repetition.
  • As one of the methods of increasing potency without drugs, regular squats are also suitable. They are made a little differently. You need to brace your butt even before you start going down. In this tension, go down to the very bottom, hold at the bottom point for 2 seconds and gradually stand up. The basis of all exercises is careful execution, slowly.

In addition to the listed methods of physical impact on the tone of the muscles of the perineum, the prostate, there are other well-known methods. This is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, daily activity, positive emotions and a normal sex life without unnecessary restrictions and promiscuity.